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kazatomprom annual report - Kazatomprom annual report 2020

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작성자 Adeline Prewitt
댓글 0건 조회 156회 작성일 24-06-21 08:45



kazatomprom annual report - Kazatomprom annual report 2020 [Подробнее...]

Monthly reports are documents that provide updates on a variety of information, ranging from the latest financial information to the existing status of a project. Kazatomprom, together with subsidiaries, affiliates and joint organizations, is developing 26 deposits combined into 14 uranium mining enterprises. All uranium mining enterprises are located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and when mine uranium use in-situ recovery technology, paying particular attention to best HSE practices and. On Ap JSC National Atomic Company "Kazatomprom" ("Kazatomprom" or "the Company") has published its 2022 Integrated Annual Report, which contains up-to-date information on the economic, social and environmental aspects of the Company’s activities. The Report is available to view on the Company's website. To get a free annual credit report, visit, the centralized website for obtaining consumer credit reports from the three nationwide credit reporting agencies, according to the Federal Trade Commission. A targeted risk-management model, enabling Kazatomprom to automate risk-management processes, such as a risks registry, report monitoring, visualisation and prediction. NAC Kazatomprom JSC is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the import and export of uranium, rare metals, nuclear fuel for nuclear power. Main Investors Reports and Results Other reports and presentations statements 2022 Report on government payments made by NAC Kazatomprom JSC in 2022. We hereby present Kazatomprom¶s integrated annual report for 2022, which contains the financial, operational and sustainability results for the national nuclear holding¶s. On Ap JSC National Atomic Company "Kazatomprom" ("Kazatomprom" or "the Company") has published its 2022 Integrated Annual Report, which contains up-to-date information on the economic, social and environmental aspects of the Company’s activities. On Ap JSC National Atomic Company "Kazatomprom" ("Kazatomprom" or "the Company") has published its 2022 Integrated Annual Report, which contains up-to-date information on the economic, social and environmental aspects of the Company’s activities. The Report is available to view on the Company's website. Kazatomprom’s 2022 integrated annual report received 5 stars (the highest rating) in the RAEX rating rt, Government and Public Relations Tel.: 80 22 Email: әбділда тәжібаев туған тілім өлеңі About Kazatomprom. 52 % 2018 2017 Production Uranium production output in volume terms (including all participations, subsidiaries and affiliates) (tonnes) -5 % 2018 2017 Finance. Secondary placement of additional Kazatomprom shares by the Company’s majority shareholder, Joint-Stock Company "Sovereign Wealth Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" was held in 2022 through the London Stock Exchange and the Astana International Stock Exchange. With the additional placement, the total free-float increases to 25%. ТОО «Kazatomprom-SaUran». ТОО «Казатомпром-SaUran» ведет добычу природного урана на месторождениях «Канжуган», «Центральный Мойынкум» и «Мынкудук» в. Annual reports. Financial and Operating Results. Other reports and presentations. Management Q&A. December 2022 A Moment with KAP Management. Securities and dividends information. NAC Kazatomprom JSC is the national operator of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the import and export of uranium, rare metals, nuclear fuel for nuclear power.

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